Our Services
Explore Our Main Service
Primary Care Services

We take a holistic and comprehensive approach in tackling medical conditions. Our medical expertise enables us to provide various care services as below.

Occupational Health Services

We promote health and work safety of workers in Malaysia through the services provided below

Health Screening Packages

Early detection and treatment of deadly diseases can increase the chance of recovery and reduce the long-term cost of medical expenses. 

Men’s Health Clinic

We provide a safe, comfortable and discreet environment for the discussion of men’s medical conditions and sexual health as well. This is crucial as most men’s health…

Women’s Health Clinic

We provide a safe and comfortable environment for women to discuss their general health and well-being, sexual health, contraception, fertility, and family planning.

HIV Testing

We offer a private and confidential Anonymous HIV screening. Anonymous HIV Testing is done using a rapid test where the results will be known within minutes.

Wound Care

Wound Healing is Our Passion. A wound treated in time with care could recover faster and better.Wound care is one of the core services provided here


We will work with our patients for appropriate treatment and/or a suitable weight management plan to lose weight healthily and sustainably.

Antenal Care

We provide antenatal care for expecting mothers through a series of clinical assessments. Diet and exercise plans are then personalized accordingly